“Thank you for everything you do. We have been using your product for the last 4 months. My wife lost 5 lbs in 3 months, she is feeling great, a lot more energy. We will be your customer for many years to come.”
Hello, I am an American – though work and travel in Russia and Ukraine. This past summer, I attended many honey festivals throughout Ukraine and have not found any to compare to Valentin’s. I received the honey as a gift from a friend in Boston – truly amazing. I only wish I had to the time to go to Florida for a beekeeping internship – would be the opportunity of a lifetime to learn more about this miraculous stuff – thank you , Valantin! www.linkedin.com/in/sboyceb/

I have received your honey as a gift two times now from a good friend, Galina , in Boston, MA. It is truly wonderful Мёд!! Just wanted to say…благодарю! And if you ever needed a Hamptons, NY connection.. please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be honored to assist in any way I can. Sincerely, Sarah
My friend and I went to meet Valentin and his wife Saturday at their honey farm and were treated with great hospitality and lots of great information. We bought honey and bee pollen and are extremely pleased. We will definitely be buying all of our honey and bee pollen from Valentin in the future! They also make beautiful candles!

Thank you for all you do for the Florida community. Your honey and bee pollen have helped many people. My wife and I are looking forward to order from you each time. We appreciate your honesty, hard work and the best product in this industry. Trust me, I know when I say THE BEST, we have tried thousands of different honey and bee pollen products in USA and your product is by far the best on the market. THANK YOU!
Valentin, I’d prefer that you send it now if it’s convenient for you.Sorry for the trouble.I must tell you of one of the benefits of the honey/pollen combination.For many years I had a problem with high cholesterol,it would range from 235(the best I could ever get it)to 350.I had it checked recently after being on the honey/pollen for just over a year.My cholesterol was 203! I haven’t been doing anything differently(drugs,diet change)since taking your product. hope to continue taking the honey/pollen for as long as can. Thanks(spacebo), Edward

met with the owner today, was told about honey and the affects on the human body. Really enjoyed, made some purchases will try it for 30 days it works I will definitely order more thank you so much for the information
Dear Valentin! Thanks a lot for AMAZING PRODUCTS! They REALLY improves HEALTH – THE MOST IMPORTANT THING OF OUR LIFE! I feei myself GREAT !!! GOD BLESS YOU!

I am 68 years old. I was diagnosed with a high cholesterol level a year ago during my annual doctor ‘s visit (230). I refused to take any medication and start consuming bee pollen on regular basis. A year pasted. My current cholesterol level is 180. I feel better then ever! My wife had a light form of arthritis in her hands. She was very skeptical when she start taking a bee pollen a year ago, since this is a known fact that arthritis cannot be cured. A year pasted. She forgot about arthritis pain completely! Now I can tell for sure that we are Valentin’s loyal customers.
I have been using your product for about 7 years. I have two jobs and I would like to tell I have a lot of energy and I am not tired like it use to be. My daughter lost 10 lb. You do great product. When I call and ask questions you always find time to help me, Thank you very much

Скажите ,какое еще лекарство может быть вкуснее меда? Я нахожусь а том возрасте , который приятно называть зрелым и давление иногда скачет как ребенок на батуте ,и не знаешь куда оно в следующий раз приземлится.Но регулярно принимая пыльцу с медом , я заметила ,что давление нормализовалось , да и сил побольше, сплю лучше.Я особо не люблю разговоры про свои и чужие болячки но от многих знакомых я все чаще слышу о том , что они, оказывается, так же как и и я регулярно принимают эту продукцию , и отмечают устойчивое улучшение качество жизни .Поэтому хочу сказать огромное спасибо Валентину за то , что он вкладывает свой труд ,энергию и саму душу в такое полезное дело . За то , что он сам неутомимо , словно пчелка , трудится ради того, что бы у нас была возможность снова чувствовать себя молодым и полным сил .
Thank you so much. I received the honey and it is so delicious. I will spread the word with my friends and recommend your establishment. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well and staying healthy during all this situation we are currently facing. Best wishes, Stacey

Just saying hi to a fellow beekeeper! Keep up the good work! Denise Moore
Listen to you on Russian TV I was the bee keeper in Moscow too, now live in Fort Myers area Hope to see your apiary sometime Sergei

About 25 years ago, I developed diabetes – with sugar up to 500. It is a genetic disease. I have tried for 15 years to treat it naturally – diet, vitamins, etc. I have tried all ways to lower my blood sugar. After 15 years, most of my corollary arteries are blocked, and had stents put in about 2 years ago. I have had 2 surgeries on my eyes for retinal detachment, and almost lost my eyesight. I read a book about treating diabetes with bee pollen, which requires real bee pollen, not synthetic. I met Valentin Brijak, and visited his farm and saw the process. I noticed that all was done naturally, and I began to use his products. Bee pollen gives its results – stabilizing the blood sugar, while you eat regularly. If you combine bee pollen and a vegetable/fruit diet, the results are better – lower blood sugar. I am currently going through this treatment, and my blood sugar with vegetable/fruit diet and bee pollen combination is about 98 – 117. I am confident it will improve in the future. In addition, blood pressure and neuropathy have improved as well. I believe these improvements are a result of the full spectrum of vitamins and amino acids that are found in bee pollen. I am thankful that Valentin Brijak has developed this product using natural processes, making it fully available to those in need.
I met Mr. Valentin today, was looking to buy some bee’s from him. He said he would sell me bee’s immediately if I wished, but he preferred I wait and learn some from him first. I will help him with anything he needs for free just to learn from a Master Beekeeper! Nicest man you could ever want to meet I thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk and explain things to me Mr. Valentin.