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  • Before being blended with honey, the Bee Pollen goes through a special process developed  by Valentin. In this process the shell surrounding the pollen granule is destroyed, releasing 90% more essential elements than if Bee Pollen is ingested as dry granules.

  • Dry pollen is absorbed by the human body only by 10%-15%. Even properly collected and dried, pollen in a cooled state fully retains its healing properties only for 90 days. After that, the healing properties of dry pollen are noticeably reduced and quickly decrease to almost zero. While pollen blended with honey is absorbed by the human body almost 100%. Such pollen should be stored at room temperature, while maintaining its beneficial properties for 3 years. The dose of pollen blended with honey is correspondingly less, than in dry form (recommendations for intake are sent with the order).


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PriceFrom $44.99
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  • 1 lbs

  • 3 × 3 × 5 in


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 2 reviews
2 reviews

  • Jelena Belokon
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Life saver. Both Valentin and his Honey with Pollen

    I thank God for allowing to meet Valentin and I got his honey 15 years ago. I was on antibiotics for almost 4 years plus allergy medicine and 8 ibuprophen a day from allergy sinus headache. He asked to give a try for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks I forgot to take ibuprophen and after that I was off - no more antibiotics, allergy medications. My energy levels were up. I took that as new normal. Last year stopped taking - got too busy and forgot about myself and slowly came back allergy sinus, headaches,

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  • Olga
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Волшебный продукт пчеловодства!!!

    Я просто в восторге от цветочной пыльцы! Её неповторимый вкус и аромат словно открывают для меня новый мир вкусов и запахов. Я ощущаю, как эта натуральная энергия наполняет меня силой и живостью, улучшает мое самочувствие и поднимает настроение. Спасибо вам, уважаемый Валентин, за ваше умение создавать такой удивительный продукт, который благотворно влияет на организм. Я бесконечно признательна вам за вашу работу и желаю вам дальнейших успехов и процветания. Вы с пчёлками творите настоящее чудо!

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